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Tunisia • French Protectorate 1880-1957

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Table of vintages
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey 1880-1883
Vintage 8 kharub 1 piastre 2 piastres 25 piastres 50 piastres
١٢٩٨ (1880)
Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey
#34485 • 1880-1883 (1298-1300)
١٢٩٩ (1881)
Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey
#34482 • 1881-1882 (1299)
Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey
#34483 • 1881-1882 (1299)
Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey
#34484 • 1881-1882 (1299)
Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey
#34486 • 1881-1882 (1299)
١٣٠٠ (1882)
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Ali III Bey 1882-1891
Vintage 8 kharub 1 piastre 1 piastre 2 piastres 2 piastres 4 piastres 4 piastres 25 piastres 25 piastres 50 piastres 100 piastres
١٣٠٠ (1882)
Ali Bey
#34487 • 1882-1891 (1300-1308)
Ali Bey - Type 1
#34488 • 1882-1891 (1300-1308)
Ali Bey - Type 1
#34490 • 1882-1891 (1300-1308)
Ali Bey
#34492 • 1882-1891 (1300-1308)
Ali Bey - Type 1
#34493 • 1882-1885 (1300-1302)
١٣٠١ (1883)
١٣٠٢ (1884)
١٣٠٣ (1885)
Ali Bey
#34498 • 1885-1886 (1303)
١٣٠٤ (1886)
Ali Bey - Type 2
#34494 • 1886-1887 (1304)
Ali Bey
#34497 • 1886-1887 (1304)
١٣٠٥ (1887)
١٣٠٦ (1888)
١٣٠٧ (1889)
١٣٠٧ A (1889)
Ali Bey - Type 3
#34495 • 1889-1891 (1307-1308)
Vintage 8 kharub 1 piastre 1 piastre 2 piastres 2 piastres 4 piastres 4 piastres 25 piastres 25 piastres 50 piastres 100 piastres
١٣٠٨ (1890)
Ali Bey
#34489 • 1890-1891 (1308)
Ali Bey - Type 2
#34491 • 1890-1891 (1308)
Ali Bey
#34499 • 1890-1891 (1308)
١٣٠٨ A (1890)
Ali Bey - Type 4
#34496 • 1890-1891 (1308)
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Ali III Bey 1891-1902
Vintage 1 centime 2 centimes 5 centimes 10 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٠٨ - 1891 A
1 centime - French Protectorate1 centime - French Protectorate
#2619 • 1891
2 centimes - French Protectorate2 centimes - French Protectorate
#2620 • 1891
1 000 000
5 centimes - Ali III5 centimes - Ali III
#2621 • 1891-1893
4 300 000
10 centimes - Ali III10 centimes - Ali III
#2622 • 1891-1893
2 600 000
50 centimes - Ali III50 centimes - Ali III
#2623 • 1891-1902
1 470 000
1 franc - Ali III1 franc - Ali III
#2624 • 1891-1902
1 575 000
2 francs - French Protectorate2 francs - French Protectorate
#2625 • 1891-1902
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
#2626 • 1891-1902
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
#2627 • 1891-1902
١٣٠٩ - 1892 A
1 191 757
1 300 000
1 575 703
١٣١٠ - 1892 A
١٣١٠ - 1893 A
1 028 243
١٣١١ - 1894 A
١٣١٣ - 1895 A
١٣١٤ - 1896 A
١٣١٥ - 1897 A
١٣١٦ - 1898 A
Vintage 1 centime 2 centimes 5 centimes 10 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣١٧ - 1899 A
١٣١٨ - 1900 A
١٣١٩ - 1901 A
١٣٢٠ - 1902 A
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Hedi Bey 1903-1906
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٢١ - 1903 A
5 centimes - French Protectorate5 centimes - French Protectorate
#2628 • 1903-1904
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
#2629 • 1903-1904
50 centimes - French Protectorate50 centimes - French Protectorate
#2630 • 1903-1906
1 franc - French Protectorate1 franc - French Protectorate
#2631 • 1903-1906
2 francs - French Protectorate2 francs - French Protectorate
#2632 • 1903-1906
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
#2633 • 1903-1906
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
#2634 • 1903-1906
١٣٢٢ - 1904 A
1 000 000
١٣٢٢ - 1904 A
١٣٢٣ - 1905 A
١٣٢٤ - 1906 A
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Naceur Bey 1907-1921
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 25 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٢٥ - 1907 A
5 centimes - French Protectorate5 centimes - French Protectorate
Naceur - Lagrange
#2635 • 1907-1917
1 000 000
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
Naceur - Lagrange
#2636 • 1907-1917
500 000
50 centimes - Naceur50 centimes - Naceur
#2637 • 1907-1921
1 franc - Naceur1 franc - Naceur
#2638 • 1907-1921
2 francs - French Protectorate2 francs - French Protectorate
#2639 • 1907-1921
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
#2640 • 1907-1921
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
#2641 • 1907-1921
١٣٢٦ - 1908 A
1 000 000
500 000
١٣٢٧ - 1909 A
١٣٢٨ - 1910 A
١٣٢٩ - 1911 A
500 000
1 050 703
١٣٣٠ - 1912 A
1 000 000
500 000
١٣٣١ - 1913 A
١٣٣٢ - 1914 A
1 000 000
500 000
١٣٣٣ - 1914 A
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 25 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٣٤ - 1915 A
707 117
1 060 193
١٣٣٤ - 1916 A
2 000 000
1 000 000
1 663 699
2 270 083
١٣٣٥ - 1916 A
1 500 000
1 000 000
١٣٣٦ - 1917 A
2 021 000
1 050 000
1 138 188
626 815
١٣٣٦ - 1917 A
1 001 003
1 000 703
١٣٣٧ - 1918
5 centimes - Naceur - Patey5 centimes - Naceur - Patey
Naceur - Patey
#2647 • 1918-1920
10 centimes - Naceur - Patey10 centimes - Naceur - Patey
Naceur - Patey
#2650 • 1918-1920
25 centimes - French Protectorate25 centimes - French Protectorate
#2655 • 1918-1920
١٣٣٧ - 1918 A
402 983
١٣٣٧ - 1918
1 549 459
1 287 507
1 000 000
١٣٣٧ - 1918 A
400 703
١٣٣٧ - 1919
4 450 541
2 712 493
1 000 000
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 25 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٣٨ - 1919 A
١٣٣٩ - 1920
5 centimes - French Protectorate5 centimes - French Protectorate
Naceur - Patey
#2647 • 1918-1920
١٣٣٩ - 1920 A
١٣٣٨ - 1920
206 406
3 000 000
2 000 000
١٣٣٩ - 1920
2 000 000
١٣٣٩ - 1920
1 793 594
١٣٤٠ - 1921 A
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Habib Bey 1922-1928
Vintage 10 centimes 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs 10 francs 20 francs
١٣٤١ - 1922 A
50 centimes - French Protectorate50 centimes - French Protectorate
#2642 • 1922-1928
#2643 • 1922-1928
#2644 • 1922-1928
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
#2645 • 1922-1928
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
#2646 • 1922-1928
١٣٤٢ - 1923 A
١٣٤٣ - 1924 A
١٣٤٤ - 1925 A
١٣٤٥ - 1926
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
#2651 • 1926
1 000 000
١٣٤٥ - 1926 A
١٣٤٦ - 1927 A
١٣٤٧ - 1928 A
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Ahmed II Bey 1930-1944
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 20 centimes 25 centimes 5 francs 10 francs 20 francs 100 francs
١٣٤٩ - 1930
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Lindauer
#2666 • 1930-1934
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Lindauer
#2672 • 1930-1934
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Lindauer
#2680 • 1930-1937
١٣٥٠ - 1931
5 centimes - French Protectorate5 centimes - French Protectorate
Ahmed II
#2649 • 1931-1938
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Type lourd
#2652 • 1931-1938
25 centimes - French Protectorate25 centimes - French Protectorate
Ahmed II
#2656 • 1931-1938
١٣٥٠ - 1931
2 000 000
750 000
300 000
١٣٥١ - 1932
١٣٥٢ - 1933
1 000 000
1 000 000
400 000
١٣٥٣ - 1934
١٣٥٣ (1934)
5 francs - French Protectorate5 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Type 1
#2662 • 1934-1937 (1353-1355)
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 1
#2673 • 1934-1938 (1353-1356)
١٣٥٣ (1934)
2 000 000
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 1
#2667 • 1934-1938 (1353-1356)
1 501 103
1 250 000
١٣٥٤ - 1935
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 20 centimes 25 centimes 5 francs 10 francs 20 francs 100 francs
١٣٥٤ (1935)
١٣٥٥ - 1936
١٣٥٥ (1936)
2 000 000
١٣٥٦ - 1937
١٣٥٦ (1937)
١٣٥٧ - 1938
1 000 000
1 200 000
480 000
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 1
#2681 • 1938-1940
SP ١٣٥٧ - 1938
١٣٥٨ - 1939
5 francs - Ahmed II - Type 25 francs - Ahmed II - Type 2
Ahmed II - Type 2
#2663 • 1939
10 francs - Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 210 francs - Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 2
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 2
#2668 • 1939-1942
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 2
#2674 • 1939-1942
١٣٥٨ - 1939
1 600 000
١٣٥٩ - 1940
Vintage 5 centimes 10 centimes 20 centimes 25 centimes 5 francs 10 francs 20 francs 100 francs
١٣٦٠ - 1941
10 centimes - Patey - Reeded edge10 centimes - Patey - Reeded edge
Patey - Reeded edge
#2653 • 1941-1942
5 000 000
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 2
#2682 • 1941-1943
١٣٦١ - 1942
20 centimes - French Protectorate20 centimes - French Protectorate
Ahmed II
#2657 • 1942
١٣٦١ - 1942
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
Patey - Reeded edge
#2653 • 1941-1942
10 000 000
5 000 000
١٣٦٢ - 1943
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 3
#2669 • 1943-1944
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 3
#2675 • 1943-1944
١٣٦٢ - 1943
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Ahmed II - Bazor - Type 3
#2683 • 1943-1944
١٣٦٣ - 1944
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Lamine Bey 1945-1957
Vintage 10 centimes 20 centimes 5 francs 10 francs 20 francs 20 francs 50 francs 100 francs 100 francs
١٣٦٤ - 1945
10 centimes - French Protectorate10 centimes - French Protectorate
#2654 • 1945
20 centimes - French Protectorate20 centimes - French Protectorate
#2658 • 1945
١٣٦٤ - 1945
10 000 000
5 205 000
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 1
#2670 • 1945-1955
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 1
#2676 • 1945-1955
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 1
#2684 • 1945-1955
١٣٦٥ - 1946
5 francs - French Protectorate5 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Type lourd
#2664 • 1946
١٣٦٥ - 1946
10 000 000
١٣٦٦ - 1947
١٣٦٨ - 1948
١٣٦٩ - 1949
١٣٧٠ - 1950
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Type léger
#2678 • 1950-1957
50 francs - French Protectorate50 francs - French Protectorate
#2679 • 1950-1957
100 francs - Lamine - Type léger100 francs - Lamine - Type léger
Lamine - Type léger
#2686 • 1950-1957
١٣٧٠ - 1950
10 000 000
5 000 000
8 000 000
Vintage 10 centimes 20 centimes 5 francs 10 francs 20 francs 20 francs 50 francs 100 francs 100 francs
١٣٧١ - 1951
١٣٧٢ - 1952
١٣٧٣ - 1953
١٣٧٤ - 1954
5 francs - Lamine - Type léger5 francs - Lamine - Type léger
Lamine - Type léger
#2665 • 1954-1957
١٣٧٤ - 1954
18 000 000
١٣٧٥ - 1955
١٣٧٦ - 1956
10 francs - French Protectorate10 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 2
#2671 • 1956
20 francs - French Protectorate20 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 2
#2677 • 1956
100 francs - French Protectorate100 francs - French Protectorate
Lamine - Bazor - Type 2
#2685 • 1956
١٣٧٧ - 1957
4 000 000
4 000 000
600 000
1 000 000
Tunisia • French Protectorate • Anonymous coinage 1921-1945
Vintage 50 centimes 1 franc 2 francs
١٣٤٢ - 1921
50 centimes - French Protectorate50 centimes - French Protectorate
#2659 • 1921-1945
1 franc - Patey1 franc - Patey
#2660 • 1921-1945
2 francs - French Protectorate2 francs - French Protectorate
#2661 • 1921-1945
١٣٤٢ - 1921
4 000 000
5 000 000
1 500 000
١٣٤٣ - 1924
١٣٤٥ - 1926
2 712 493
1 000 000
١٣٤٥ - 1926
1 000 000
١٣٥٢ - 1933
500 000
١٣٦٠ - 1941
4 646 000
6 611 868
1 975 500
١٣٦٤ - 1945
١٣٦٤ - 1945
11 180 000
10 699 132
6 464 000
Mints and mintmarks
This list presents all mints used on this page and attached mintmarks.
Letter A
Name : A
Name : Régie des Monnaies
Name : Jean Lagrange
Name : Henri Auguste Patey
No mintmark
Name : Lucien Bazor
Tunisia - 5 centimes - Ali III - ١٣٠٨ - 1891 (1891) A - No203
Seller : MTM International
50.00 €
Tunisia - 10 centimes - Hédi - ١٣٢٢ - 1904 (1904) A - No1316
Seller : MTM International
20.00 €
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